Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Posh Pillowcases

I was visiting You Go Girl and saw the amazing Posh Pillowcase sew along she was hosting.  To say I’m a little obsessed with these right now is an understatement!  You Go Girl is providing a complete tutorial on how to make your own.  Check out Rose Hip to see the most wonderful pictures of some finished pillowcases and what started the frenzy.  I’ve started my first one.

(click to enlarge)


The orange isn’t showing that great but trust me, this pillowcase is going to be awesome once the crochet edging is finished.   I’ve already got the fabric picked out for my next one.  A little Heather Bailey. Yum.

(click to enlarge)


On another note.  I picked up one of my quilts from the machine quilters last weekend.  It is supposed to look like puzzle pieces.  I think it does although the lighter fabrics don’t show up that great in this picture.  The biggest challenge with this quilt is keeping all the pieces in order so that the little legs of each puzzle piece is matched up to its appropriate main piece.  Of course I had some directional fabric in there so I also had to keep track of weather I was sewing a row or column.  This little project sat on the dining room table during construction so I could keep everything straight.  All I need to do now is add the binding and I’m done.

(click to enlarge)



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3 More “One Yard Wonder” Projects

I love this book and I just read a few days ago that a second one is in the works.  Sign me up!  I made 2 jewelry pouches and a hot/cold pack with a band so that it stays in place even when you are walking.

This hot/cold (filled with rice) pack fits nicely into a pouch on the wrap around band below.

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Both jewelry pouches were made with Amy Butler Fabric.


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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gifts from Lisa

My friend Lisa gave me the cutest pin cushion kit for Christmas.  The pin cushion has a name…it’s Henrietta Turtle and the pattern is by Heather Bailey.  Heather Bailey is a wonderful fabric designer as well as pattern designer.  I LOVE all her collections!  I decided to put this little gal together a couple of weeks ago.  I figured it would be a nice quick project.  I’ve been sewing long enough to know that sometimes the smallest end product takes loads of time to create.  Anyway, I made her and no way in hell am I sticking pins in her!



Look at how cute this little turtle is.  She now lives happily on a shelf in my living room where I can enjoy her every day.  Of course I made sure to mention to the husband that this was NOT a dog toy just in case he had any ideas.  Thanks Lisa!

I think Lisa made a “clean out the craft area” resolution for the New Year this year.  My mother was the recipient of some great left over yarn from some of Lisa’s projects.  My mother crochets little hats for the local hospital nursery as well as the Save the Children foundation and this yarn will serve a good purpose.  I received 3 crocheted bodices for little girls dresses.  A few years ago, I had seen a segment on the Carol Duval show that featured Candi Jensen showing the viewers how to make the bodice.  All you had to do once the bodice was done was attach a skirt bottom in a matching fabric.  I’m not sure how many I made but they were addicting.  Lisa made at least 3 beautiful bodices but never finished them.  She asked if I’d like them.  Sure!  The most fun was digging in my stash to find the perfect fabric.  Two pieces came from my 1930’s reproduction stash and the other from my Amy Butler stash.


Isn’t this fabric perfect?





These are great fun projects and you can get the free directions here.  I gave the little green one to Lisa for her neighbor’s little grandchild.  The other two are still looking for a home.  Thanks Lisa!  Keep cleaning!
