Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BOM Quilt Finished!

Remember the Mystery Designer Block of the Month Club I joined last year?  If not, you can see pictures here and here.  Well, I sent it off to the machine quilters and got it back sometime in late September.  She did a great job!  Now for the binding.  I had all the binding ready and when I got the quilt home I promptly sewed it on.  I then spent the next few nights hand stitching the binding down.  I really enjoy the “binding” part of the quilt but I have to stop after an hour or so because my wrist starts to hurt.


I LOVE the backing fabric.  There were 2 choices available and I chose this one.  I can’t even remember the other now.


A look at some of the machine quilting.  So pretty.  She used a feather pattern.



I have another smaller quilt at the machine quilters.  I used Fairy Tip Toes Meranda by Tina Givens.  I’ll post as soon as I get it back.  Wait until you see what I did with the scraps!


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