Sunday, January 31, 2010

Apron Club – Month 3

My absolute favorite so far!  Needless to say it was a lot of work but is was so worth it.



I love everything about this block.  The fabric selections are awesome and the embroidery is so damn cute.  There are actually 2 aprons next month.  Can’t wait to see what I get.  I think that’s why I like these monthly quilt clubs.  I’m a sucker for getting stuff in the mail…especially sewing stuff.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Apron Club – Month 2

I finished block 2 of the apron quilt club I joined.  Actually, I’m nearly done with month 3 but I don’t want to post until it’s done.  I had a tough time with the cherries and leaves on the first block and was not looking forward to the bacon and eggs on this one.  All in all it came out ok and I worried for nothing over the breakfast items.  I’m not thrilled with the fabric used for the bacon and eggs.  The pattern also called for a little black cup to  be appliqued to the skirt.  However, the choice of background fabric makes the little cup nearly impossible to see.  I wish I would have noticed before I got the whole thing sewed down.  Presenting block 2:



That damned cup looks like a spot…some breakfast spillage.  Oh well.  I’m not changing it now.  Wait until you see month 3.  My absolute favorite so far.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


That was my response when my stepson Adam came over one day with a knitted pattern for Sackboy.  Sackboy is a character in a PlayStation 3 game.  What the hell do I know.  He brought the pattern over because I’m the only one he knows that can read and knit from a pattern.  He wanted it for his little brother.  Actually, he wanted one for himself too but figured I wouldn’t want to knit 2.  How do I tell him I don’t want to even knit one?  Anyway, the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea of knitting Sackboy for him as a Christmas present.  I ordered enough yarn for 2 and if it wasn’t too bad I’d make a second.  It was well worth it.  I gave him the first and held back the second.  He was really surprised and he really liked it.  He liked it so much that he was thinking of keeping it for himself.  That’s when I pulled out the second.  Extremely happy!  The pattern itself was different for me because all pieces were knit flat and then sewn up to create tubes.  All in all it wasn’t bad although my Sackboy knitting days are officially over…I mean it.  Here’s one of the little guys.


Can you believe this?  Five fingers on each hand, a zipper down the front and a huge head.  I don’t really get it.  The zipper is glued shut from the back per the instructions so that his guts don’t fall out if and when someone decides to pull the zipper down.  If you’d like one, or two of your very own there is a free pattern available here.
