Thursday, January 21, 2010

Apron Club – Month 2

I finished block 2 of the apron quilt club I joined.  Actually, I’m nearly done with month 3 but I don’t want to post until it’s done.  I had a tough time with the cherries and leaves on the first block and was not looking forward to the bacon and eggs on this one.  All in all it came out ok and I worried for nothing over the breakfast items.  I’m not thrilled with the fabric used for the bacon and eggs.  The pattern also called for a little black cup to  be appliqued to the skirt.  However, the choice of background fabric makes the little cup nearly impossible to see.  I wish I would have noticed before I got the whole thing sewed down.  Presenting block 2:



That damned cup looks like a spot…some breakfast spillage.  Oh well.  I’m not changing it now.  Wait until you see month 3.  My absolute favorite so far.


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