Saturday, August 28, 2010

A little more crochet

Whenever I sit down to update my blog I’m always surprised by the amount of time that has past since my last entry.  I really don’t know how people post daily.  Oh well.  I have been crafting a lot but mostly for gift giving.  I can’t post until the person has received it.  Believe it or not I’ve already started making Christmas presents.  Anyone that does any kind of craft knows that you can never start too early.  Now for 2 very cute crochet items.



Both have found good homes and can now show themselves here. 

Update…the jelly roll quilt along quilt top is done! It is patiently waiting to be quilted.  I hope to drop it off at the machine quilters in the next week or so.  Pictures soon I hope. 


Friday, August 6, 2010

Baby Blanket in the Round

A neighbor’s daughter is having a baby this month.  Problem…we won’t know if it’s a boy or a girl until he/she is here.  I love it when we get to know in advance.  It makes it ssooo much easier when trying to pick out a project to make.  I had this little pamphlet that had crocheted baby blankets…round ones.IMG_0636

All of the blankets were cute but some reminded me of giant doilies.  I think my favorite was this one:


I really like the colors in the sample however it’s way too girly.  I went to my local yarn store and found some yummy Egyptian cotton yarn.   I found 3 beautiful colors.  Here is my version:



I absolutely love it.  Please tell me this doesn’t look too girly.
