Friday, August 6, 2010

Baby Blanket in the Round

A neighbor’s daughter is having a baby this month.  Problem…we won’t know if it’s a boy or a girl until he/she is here.  I love it when we get to know in advance.  It makes it ssooo much easier when trying to pick out a project to make.  I had this little pamphlet that had crocheted baby blankets…round ones.IMG_0636

All of the blankets were cute but some reminded me of giant doilies.  I think my favorite was this one:


I really like the colors in the sample however it’s way too girly.  I went to my local yarn store and found some yummy Egyptian cotton yarn.   I found 3 beautiful colors.  Here is my version:



I absolutely love it.  Please tell me this doesn’t look too girly.


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