Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Maria!

Now that Maria has received her present I can show it here.  This is the third time I’ve made one of these sewing caddies.  I made one for me and one for Lisa.  I guess I forgot to take a picture of Lisa’s.  Maybe she’ll see this post and send me one.  Anyway, I can’t believe how I managed without one of these all this time.  I knew this would be perfect for Maria.  She knits, crochets and embroiders beautifully and I hope she has many good crafting times with her new caddy.  Happy Birthday Maria!



Sunday, October 18, 2009

More Key Fobs

Remember when I made key fobs as wedding shower favors for my daughters wedding last year?  Well, I’m at it again.  My daughter signed us up for a craft fair being held at a school in Bristol, RI on Nov 7th.  I still had a package of key fob hardware (about 50 pieces) left over.  I decided to purchase 5 different colors of cotton webbing this time instead of all brown and to use fabric scraps instead of ribbon to decorate them.  The fabric really did the trick.  They are a little more work to make but well worth it.



A little Amy Butler, Anna Maria Horner, some 30’s and retro reproductions and voila!  SO pretty.  Let’s just hope they sell!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BOM Quilt Finished!

Remember the Mystery Designer Block of the Month Club I joined last year?  If not, you can see pictures here and here.  Well, I sent it off to the machine quilters and got it back sometime in late September.  She did a great job!  Now for the binding.  I had all the binding ready and when I got the quilt home I promptly sewed it on.  I then spent the next few nights hand stitching the binding down.  I really enjoy the “binding” part of the quilt but I have to stop after an hour or so because my wrist starts to hurt.


I LOVE the backing fabric.  There were 2 choices available and I chose this one.  I can’t even remember the other now.


A look at some of the machine quilting.  So pretty.  She used a feather pattern.



I have another smaller quilt at the machine quilters.  I used Fairy Tip Toes Meranda by Tina Givens.  I’ll post as soon as I get it back.  Wait until you see what I did with the scraps!
